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Brain Injury

Four Ways in Which Chicago Brain Injuries Damage the Ability to Think

November 15, 2019

Brain injury can change how we think.

1. Concentration /

Head injury victims often have difficulty focusing on a task or conversation unless there are no distractions. The ability to multi-task may be impaired as well.

2. Processing / Memory

Chicago TBI patients may need the information to be delivered slowly, in separate pieces, and repeated several times to properly process it.

Short-term memory loss is another symptom head trauma.

4. Organization and Motivation: 

Difficulty with self-motivation, staying organized, and accomplishing goals is commonly exhibited by patients following an Illinois traumatic brain injury.

Problem Solving: 

Many  brain injury victims need assistance in solving problems due to impulsivity and the inability to process information as quickly as an individual who has not suffered this type of injury.

Impairment in the ability to think  can have a devastating effect on the personal and professional lives of head trauma victims. 

Contact a Chicago brain injury lawyer who can assist in evaluating the merits of a claim for damages. For a complimentary consultation, fill out our online form or call our office at (847) 651-7191.

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